For IT minded.

Some abbreviations used in IT and their meanings.

0NF zero normal form     
1NF first normal form
2NF second normal form
3DES Triple Data Encryption Standard (Triple-DES)
3GL third-generation language
3NF third normal form
4GL fourth-generation language
AAC Advanced Audio Coding
AC alternating current
ACE Adobe Certified Expert
ACI Adobe Certified Instructor
ACM Association for Computing Machinery
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
ADSL asymmetric digital subscriber line
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
AGP Accelerated Graphics Port
AI artificial intelligence
AIFF Audio Interchange File Format
AIS Association for Information Systems
AITP Association of Information Technology Professionals
Ajax Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
ALGOL Algorithmic Language
ALU arithmetic logic unit
AMD Advanced Micro Devices
ANN artificial neural network
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AOL America Online
APCUG Association of Personal Computer Users Group
API application programming interface
APL A Programming Language                                                                                                                          ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency                                                                                                    ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASF Advanced Streaming (or Systems) Format
ATC advanced transfer cache
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATM automated teller machine
AUP acceptable use policy
AWC Association for Women in Computing
B2B business-to-business
B2C business-to-consumer
BAN body area network
BASIC Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BD-R Blu-ray Disc recordable
BD-RE Blu-ray Disc rewritable
BD-ROM Blu-ray Disc read-only memory
BI business intelligence 5
BIOS basic input/output system
Bit binary digit
BLOB binary large object
BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics
BMP bit map
BPA business process automation
BPM business process management
BSA Business Software Alliance
BSB backside bus
Btw by the way
C2C consumer-to-consumer
CA certificate authority
CAD computer-aided design
CAE computer-aided engineering
CAI computer-aided instruction
CAM computer-aided manufacturing
CAPTCHA Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart
CASE computer-aided software engineering
CAT computerized adaptive testing
CATV cable television
CBT computer-based training
CCD charge-coupled device
CCE Certified Computer Examiner
CCFE Certified Computer Forensics Examiner
CCIE Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert
CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate
CCNP Cisco Certified Network Professional
CCTLD country code top-level domain
CD compact disc
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CDP continuous data protection
CD-R compact disc-recordable
CD-ROM compact disc read-only memory
CD-RW compact disc-rewritable
CE computer engineering
CEECS Certified Electronic Evidence Collection Specialist
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CERT/CC Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center
CES Consumer Electronics Show
CF CompactFlash
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CGI Common Gateway Interface
CIFI Certified Information Forensics Investigator
CIM computer-integrated manufacturing
CIM customer interaction management
CIO chief information officer
CIPA Children’s Internet Protection Act
CIS computer information systems
CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional
CIW Certified Internet Webmaster
CLP Novell Certified Linux Professional
CLR Common Language Runtime
CMOS complementary metal-oxide semiconductor
CMS content management system
Coax coaxial cable
COBOL Common Business-Oriented Language
COO Chief Operating Officer
COPPA Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act
CPU central processing unit
CRM customer relationship management
CRPG computer role-playing game
CRT cathode-ray tube
CS computer science
CSC common short code CSDA Certified Software Development Associate
CSDP Certified Software Development Professional
CSO chief security officer
CSS cascading style sheet CTO chief technology officer
CTS carpal tunnel syndrome
CUG C/C++ Users Group
CVS computer vision syndrome
CWP Certified Web Professional
DA database analyst
DBA database administrator
DBMS database management system
DC direct current
DDoS attack distributed denial of service attack
DDR SDRAM double data rate synchronous dynamic random access memory
DES Data Encryption Standard
DFD data flow diagram
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHTML Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language
DIMM dual inline memory module
DL distance learning
DLP projector digital light processing projector
DMCA Digital Millennium Copyright Act
DMS Document Management System
DNS domain name system
DOM document object model
DoS attack denial of service attack
Dpi dots per inch
DRAM dynamic random access memory
DRM digital rights management
DSL Digital Subscriber Line
DSS decision support system
DTP desktop publishing
DTV digital television
DV camera digital video camera
DVD digital versatile disc or digital video disc
DVD+R digital versatile disc or digital video disc recordable
DVD-R digital versatile disc or digital video disc recordable
DVD+RAM digital versatile disc or digital video disc + random access memory
DVD-ROM digital versatile disc or digital video disc read-only memory
DVD+RW digital versatile disc or digital video disc + rewritable
DVD-RW digital versatile disc or digital video disc + rewritable
DVI Digital Video Interface
EB Exabyte
E-commerce electronic commerce
ECPA Electronic Communications Privacy Act
EDGE Enhanced Data GSM Environment
EDI electronic data interchange
EEPROM electrically erasable programmable read-only memory
E-filing electronic filing
E-form electronic form
EFS Encrypting File System
EFT electronic funds transfer
EIDE Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics
EIS executive information system
E-mail electronic mail
ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
ERD entity-relationship diagram
E-retail electronic retail
ERM system employee relationship management system
ERP enterprise resource planning
ESATA external Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
EULA end-user license agreement
EVDO Evolution Data Optimized
E-zine electronic magazine
FAQ frequently asked questions
Fax facsimile
FEK file encryption key
FORTRAN Formula Translator
FRED Forensic Recovery of Digital Evidence
FSB front side bus
FTP File Transfer Protocol
FTTB Fiber to the Building
FTTH Fiber to the Home
FTTP Fiber to the Premises
FWIW for what it’s worth
FYI for your information
GB gigabyte
GBps gigabytes per second
Gbps gigabits per second
GHz gigahertz
GIF Graphics Interchange Format
GIGO garbage in, garbage out
GIS geographic information system
GLBA Graham-Leach-Bliley Act
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GPS global positioning system
GPU graphics processing unit
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
GTLD generic top-level domain
GUI graphical user interface
GWT Google Web Toolkit
HD high density
HD VMD high-density Versatile Multilayer Disc
HDMI High-Definition Media Interface
HDTV high-definition television
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HMD head-mounted display
HP Hewlett-Packard
HR Human Resources
HRIS Human Resources Information Systems
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
HTPC home theater PC
Http Hypertext Transfer Protocol
IACRB Information Assurance Certification Review Board
IACSS International Association for Computer Systems Security
IBM International Business Machines
ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
I-CASE integrated computer-aided software engineering
ICCA Independent Computer Consultants Association
ICCP Institute for the Certification of Computing Professionals
ICRA Internet Content Rating Association
ICSA Labs International Computer Security Association Labs
IDE integrated development environment
IDEA International Data Encryption Algorithm
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IM instant messaging
IMDb Internet Movie Database
IMHO in my humble opinion
IOUG Independent Oracle Users Group
IP intellectual property
IP address Internet Protocol address
IPng Internet Protocol Next Generation
IPO chart input, processing, output chart
IPv6 Internet Protocol version
IR infrared
IrDA Infrared Data Association
IS information system
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISP Internet service provider
ISSA International Systems Security Association
IT information technology
JAD session joint-application design session
JIT compiler just-in-time compiler
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
JUG Java Users Groups
K kilobyte
KB kilobyte
KBps kilobytes per second
Kbps kilobits per second
KM knowledge management
KMS knowledge management software
L1 cache Level 1 cache
L2 cache Level 2 cache
L3 cache Level 3 cache
LAN local area network
LCD liquid crystal display
LINQ Language Integrated Query
LISP LISt Processing
LUGWW Linux Users Group Worldwide
M2 Memory Stick Micro
Mac OS Macintosh Operating System
Mac OS X Macintosh Operating System X
MAN metropolitan area network
MB megabyte
MBps megabytes per second
MBps megabits per second
MCAP Microsoft Certified Application Professional
MCAS Microsoft Certified Application Specialist
MCDST Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician
MCITP Microsoft Certified IT Professional
M-commerce mobile commerce
MCPD Microsoft Certified Professional Developer
MCSA Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator
MCTS Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist
MFP multifunction peripheral
MHz megahertz
MIB Medical Information Bureau
MICR magnetic-ink character recognition
MIS management information system
MLP multilayer perception
MMOG massively multiplayer online game
MMS multimedia message service
Modem modulate/demodulate
MP million pixels
MP3 Moving Pictures Experts Group Audio Layer 3 (MPEG-3)

MPEG Moving Pictures Experts Group
MRAM magneto resistive random access memory
MRP Material Requirements Planning
MRP II Manufacturing Resource Planning II
μs microsecond
ms millisecond
MSIL Microsoft Intermediate Language
MSN Microsoft Network, The
MT/ST Magnetic Tape/Selectric Typewriter
NAP National Association of Programmers
NAS network attached storage
NCA Novell Certified Administrator
NCE Novell Certified Engineer
NET Act No Electronic Theft Act
Netiquette Internet etiquette
NIC network interface card
NLQ near letter quality
ns nanosecond
NSF National Science Foundation
OCP Oracle Certified Professional
OCR optical character recognition
OIS office information system
OLAP online analytical processing
OLE object linking and embedding
OLED organic light emitting diode
OLTP online transaction processing
OMR optical mark recognition
OO object-oriented
OODB object-oriented database
OOP language object-oriented programming language
OQL object query language
OS operating system
OSI reference model Open Systems Interconnection reference model
OSP online service provider
P2P peer-to-peer
PATRIOT Act Provide Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act
PB petabyte
PC personal computer
PCI bus Peripheral Component Interconnect bus
PCIe PCI Express
PCL Printer Control Language
PCS Personal Communications Services
PDA personal digital assistant
PDF Portable Document Format
PDL page description language
PDLC program development life cycle
Perl Practical Extraction and Report Language
PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique
PGP Pretty Good Privacy
PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
PILOT Programmed Inquiry Learning Or Teaching
PIM personal information manager
PIN personal identification number
Pixel picture element
PL/I Programming Language One
PNG format Portable Network Graphics format
POP Post Office Protocol
POP3 Post Office Protocol 3
POS point of sale
POST power-on self-test
ppi pixels per inch
Prolog PROgramming LOGic
PROM chip programmable read-only memory chip
ps picosecond
PSTN public switched telephone network
PUE power usage effectiveness
QBE query by example
QT QuickTime
RA RealAudio
RAD rapid application development
RAID redundant array of independent disks
RAM random access memory
RDRAM Rambus dynamic random access memory
Rexx REstructured eXtended eXecutor
RFI request for information
RFID radio frequency identification
RFP request for proposal
RFQ request for quotation
RHCE Red Hat Certified Engineer
RHCT Red Hat Certified Technician
RIAA Recording Industry Association of America
RIMM Rambus inline memory module
ROM read-only memory
RoR Ruby on Rails
RPG Report Program Generator
Rpm revolutions per minute
RSI repetitive strain injury
RSS 2.0 Really Simple Syndication
RTLS real time location system
RUP Rational Unified Process
SAN storage area network
SAS serial-attached SCSI
SATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
SCEA Sun Certified Enterprise Architect
SCJD Sun Certified Java Developer
SCJP Sun Certified Java Programmer
SCMAD Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer
SCNA Security Certified Network Architect
SCNA Sun Certified Network Administrator
SCNP Security Certified Network Professional
SCNS Security Certified Network Specialist
SCSA Sun Certified System Administrator
SCSI small computer system interface
SD Secure Digital
SDHC Secure Digital High Capacity
SDLC system development life cycle
SDRAM synchronous dynamic random access memory
SFA sales force automation
S-HTTP secure hypertext transfer protocol
SIGs special interest groups
SIMM single inline memory module
SMB small- and medium-sized business
SMS short message service
SMTP simple mail transfer protocol
SOA service-oriented architecture
SOHO small office/home office
SQL Structured Query Language
SRAM static random access memory
SSCP Systems Security Certified Practitioner
SSD solid state drive
SSID service set identifier
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
SUT system under test
SVG Standard Vector Graphics
SVGA Super Video Graphics Array
SXGA Super Extended Graphics Array
TB terabyte
Tcl Tool Command Language
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/
Internet Protocol
TFT display thin-film transistor display
TIFF Tagged Image File Format
TLD top-level domain
TLS Transport Layer Security
TPC-W Transaction Processing Performance Council Workload
TPS transaction processing system
TTL Time To Live
ttfn ta ta for now
tyvm thank you very much
UL 1449 Standard Underwriters Laboratories standard
UMD Universal Media Disc
UML Unified Modeling Language
UMPC Ultra-Mobile PC
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
UNIVAC I Universal Automatic Computer
UPC Universal Product Code
UPS uninterruptible power supply
URL Uniform Resource Locator
USB universal serial bus
User ID user identification
UWB ultra-wideband
UXGA Ultra Extended Graphics Array
VAN value-added network
VAR value-added reseller
VBA Visual Basic for Applications
VBScript Visual Basic, Scripting Edition
VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol
VPE visual programming environment
VPN virtual private network
VR virtual reality
VSTO Visual Studio Tools for Office 1
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
WAN wide area network
WAP Wireless Application Protocol
WAV Windows waveform
WBT Web-based training
Wi-Fi wireless fidelity
WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
WIPS Web Interactions Per Second
WIRT Web Interaction Response Time
WISP wireless Internet service provider
WLAN wireless local area network
WMA Windows Media Audio
WML wireless markup language
WPA Wi-Fi Protected Access
WQXGA Wide Quad Extended Graphics Array
WSXGA Wide Super Extended Graphics Array
WUXGA Wide Ultra Extended Graphics Array
WWW World Wide Web
WXGA Wide Extended Graphics Array
XGA Extended Graphics Array
XHTML Extensible Hypertext Markup Language
XML Extensible Markup Language
XP extreme programming
XSL Extensible Stylesheet Language
XSLT Extensible Style Language Transformations
YB yottabyte

ZB zettabyte 

source: Discouvering computers 2012.
Edited: Godhand4wise
follow:  @warrior3310


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