

Dedicated to my friend Kirsty Korkor Mensah

                 Swear not, O my brother

‘Cause you are not the owner

Of the swear words that you utter

The devil is the only provider

Swear not at all, O brethren

Not by heaven

For the throne of God is heaven

For you to swear by heaven is too heavy

Swear not by the Earth

It is so huge a creation of God

In fact, it is the footstool of God

You have no right to exchange what is God’s


 You don’t need to swear

Even when there is fear

A “yes” or a “no” is enough to make things clear

Don’t go further to say “I swear”

 The Bible makes it clear

That it’s satanic to swear

Check Matthew 5:34 there

And take note what is written there

Swear not

It does more harm than good

Because from the devil, nothing good comes forth

Not even by your own head, swear not

-By Evans Kissi Owusu (Abotreh)

9th November, 2015


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