Birthdays Reloaded
Andrew kaitoo is His name, saw this on facebook so if that's not right then i stand to be corrected. Okay, I know him to be "Pure". I guess people will be wandering how pure, but that's really his nickie. I noticed that He was also in BMS class only this semester when Asaawa and him sabotaged the dreams of Buda from becoming a course rep in MIS. He is a nice guy if you look at him critically, very serious of any task given and i like him. No wonder his name always appears first when there is any news on the MIS course updates. Today seems to be his birthday and you will notice that all his loved ones will be wishing him best of luck mostly on whatsapp and facebook. This is also mu opportunity to wish him a very Happy Birthday and May God grant Him all his heart desires. I know this has been the wishes of most people so i guess he has to start generating heart desires from now. Okay, He says he will be vying for the position of treasurer come next year at the school of business session. I wish him good luck and big aspirations.
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