The unescapable doom

Today, April 12, 2016 I happen to read the book of Jude and this cold feeling just rushed through my veins and this got me very perplexed. I began to ponder over the text but found nothing new in the verse to get me alarmed. This fear feeling then dawn on me and I began to ask whether am fit to escape this unquenchable fire the bible always talked about to be for those who disobeyed God. I have always preached salvation to people and lead them to take Christ as their Savior but I always asked myself what is peculiar about me that Heaven would be happy and prepared to meet me. This got me to remember the text I read the previous day before retiring to bed in the book of revelation the chapter 20 verse 12-15.

I would like to share the Gospel which Jesus preached and left with the Apostles and now delivered to us in various forms. To start with, whether you accept or not, Man is destined to live once and after that, judgement. During judgement there are two sides one has to go, as in reality when one is sent to court, is either one wins or the other loses. Also in most High schools, after exams is written one anticipates whether to be promoted or repeated. Even as in those promoted, some students seeks not only promotion but to either top the class or receive the most award whenever there is a speech and price giving day. So is the judgement day of Christ, it is the time faithful and obedient servants are rewarded according to their deeds. So not to hide anything, two outcome of the judgement is to make it to heaven or to be thrown in the burning sulfur where their worms do not die and they is always weeping and gnashing of teeth. Some may however escape from the fire but won’t get any reward whilst others would be given the crown of glory.

One may ask, how will I get to escape this burning sulfur? Others too might argue that once we die there is nothing to think of. Others also say that our God loves us so much to the extent that He wouldn’t want to punish us as such. Okay, one thing we need to Know is that our God does not lie and he won’t lie because He isn’t a man. Right from Genesis chapter 1 verse 26a, God said “Let us create man in our own image, in our likeness”. This means that after man sinned, the sinful nature of us was what He said will surely die but His nature in us would live forever because he lives forever, but now it dawn on us to decide where we would spend our eternity. This is why those who die in Christ are said to be asleep and the opposite are said to be in hades because it is a resting place for sinners. So as a matter of fact, once you are born to this world you live to an inevitable end, it now depends on the individual to choose where to go after this earthly test because God gave us our own will. God is a principled one and always bound by what He says, as He said for the wage of sin is “DEATH” and death in the bible has always meant Hades.

Do you want to know whether you are saved? It is written that for whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved, but that does not end there but one has to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling because no one has ever seen or one cannot anticipate what the Father has prepared for those that abide by His will. So as in Romans 10:9-10. If you do not confess it loudly to the world that you are for Christ and you are bought with a price, God cannot recognise you. Also, one must note that the Bible is our constitution for the life we are being tested for so it must always be on your lips and must not depart from you, other than that how can you be ready to live? May God grant us the grace and not be left out in the second coming. Follow for more updates.
 FB: Yeboah de wise  


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