
Showing posts from March, 2017


Most of the times people think that confession that you are a sinner and gaining salvation is enough to get one to Heaven. From my point of view salvation is not enough guarantee to get to heaven but a necessity, its like you writing WASSCE to the university, under normal circumstance, one need to write such exam before getting admission but you writing alone does guarantee, but you need to pass first. So as you receive salvation its left with a matter of maintaining it before you qualify to the next round. Nowadays, what we see mostly on our streets and markets place are people sharing the Gospel and also making known salvation. Don't be perturbed when such you see such things because we started living in the last days when Christ ascended into the skies to be at the right of the Father. All we need to do is test the spirit whether they are of God. Now, we need to repent and be baptized for the remission of sin so that we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Lets make sure to ...

Easy Way Company Limited

This is a new entrepreneurial group who are engaged in the manufacturing of natural spices in the paste form. After conducting a survey on the University of cape coast campus, it was concluded that new food vending points are established every time and they get enough share of the market. Alarming!!, No i don't think so. the environment pressure on the campus triggers students to be lazy even if they wish to prepare their own meal. Students finds it difficult to go through the stressful moments of cutting all ingredients and wait fore fire to prepare their meal before eating. Easy way company targeted those students who are always willing to prepare their own meal but feel reluctant due to workload on them after a stressful lecture. Easy way company deals in the manufacturing of various spices like meat/fish mix, stew/jollof mix, Kelewele mix, Ginger only for sobolo mix, onion and garlic mix. Our products were selected as such based on the rising demand of students on the camp...