
Showing posts from October, 2015

Was this a Prophecy? Be my judge...

Okay UCC, this is my view for this gentleman. some may interchange courage for proudness, but this guy has been a very inspiring person to me. Infact, am short of words in describing him. but #3y3 necessary in the coming SRC elections for presidency, no long things biaaa
Congratulations to you guys for upholding BMS high, most especially to my sister and study mate Helena Sarkodie (my best rapper). we thank God for seeing you guys that far, We pray for the infinite grace of God to uplift you guys in all your endeavors. Incoming presidoo, more vimm kraaa
This the "team" that organised the Say NO to Bleaching campaign with Ama K. Abebrese. A team indeed, after the program I ask the main organizer Marcia whether she would like to organize such a program again on the land of UCC and she stated that "I would like very well to organize such a program but will be in another school". So what is the reason for her change of mind for UCC? will She still go in for Her team? A question that needs answer. I can recall on a number of people in this Pic whom i never knew was part of the organizing team. 3y3 nsemm piiii. but the program was a success and the 'twins' made the interview session to be telecast on TV3.
Okay time for recap, this was the pic taken by tight tenor mates in the last 3 in 1 which took place on the congregational grounds at the University of Cape Coast. The program was Holy Ghost filled and looking forward to partake in the next one come 2016. My question is, will there be any new costume for the new one to be held? hmm that's the question we all ask as The Fountain of Joy Inc. of Pensa UCC are known to be "fashion minded". Not forgetting the latest 3 in 1 which was very successful with Pent Tv taking coverage of the entire program. indeed FOJ we are blessed and Pensa UCC we are blessed. with my Tenor mates on da stage, there was no "burnt offering" I guess. hehe
As we are closing the chapter on October 2015, I would like to remind all of us that we should start developing, writing and tick all resolutions we have been able to fulfill on entering 2015. Also, as the new year approaches with barely two months, all must reflect in the life and see what one has actually fulfilled. Am worried for this years ending due to the fact that my anti-virus program would need a new license code. As a matter of fact, i have also started ticking all that i have achieved so far in this year. lets share some experiences in this year even though we've got two months to go. #lifeisrealshort remember your creator now.
Okay to start, 2015 GAB was much interesting than 2014, when we take accommodation into consideration. 2014 GAB exposed us as to how well the country is. Spreading the gospel at the expense of your comfort-ability is one that inspires me very much. I aint perfect buh will always try my best to be an example for many as Christ did for us.Pics of  showing a house we just preached Chirst to. #don't miss GAB 2016
In a bid to advertise for Gospel Across Boundaries (GAB) organised by Pensa Students of the University of Coast, you will get some short clips on the reason why you should not miss the in coming GAB 2016. My brother my Sister, Our greatest commission (matt.28:19-20)  on this earth is to evangelize and make disciples for the Second coming of our King. What are you waiting for, you can do this at your various work place, lecture theaters and homes.
No sin is as big as looking down on yourself. Most people have asked God for forgiveness but they have never turn to their own life and asked for the same. There is never the little you in this world. In you lies the history of the world. If you doubt me, why would people spend days buying ticket to see the face of Michael Jackson? Your hands can be the next wonder of the world. Believe in yourself and don't lose faith that God is counting on you........
I hate to publish this but there is the need. ALISON has turned into a business making units for guys offering MIS this academic year courtesy 'some lazy' ladies. Alison being an online course for students to take to obtain 10mrks from the lecturer has turned to where guys taking a sum of at least GHS10 to complete all the course. some say its not a business buh time wasted in doing the the course is tiresome. What will you say? k)k)nsah hmmmm
vying for post on the land of University of Cape Coast is really interesting. That's where u will quotes in and out before u wake up from bed and about to sleep. Giving you inspiring quotes to give you hope the the day, not forgetting to add their acronym and the phrase "still loading". I think this quotes would be necessary when they have secured the post and use that as an encouragement words. God is watching us all.
    Yesterday i.e 30th of October, 2015 University of Cape Coast Association of Business Students (UCCABS) successfully lunched their program dubbed Young Entrepreneurs Day (YED). The program was very successful with seasoned speakers to advise us to develop ideas to create new job opportunities for ourselves as we are about to go to the world. I learnt a lot regarding interviews and how friends can motivate and de-motivate you in achieving your dreams.     However the close of the program left some indelible mark on my heart. we were supposed to wait and take our refreshment and there the program turned into a dancing competition, notwithstanding that, the sharing of the "item 13" also turned in "whom you know". Ghana will always be Ghana. Cant forget our Dr. Aborampah making the first contribution when we were asked if there are any questions available. You can follow @uccabs to get more news on the program. for more updates on the events happening live o...